Business Communication Instruction shares the latest news, tips, techniques, and methods being used by instructors today to make their classes more rewarding and enjoyable.

Simple, No-Cost Gifts to Give

In many parts of the world, December is a month of giving gifts. On the job, you can give simple gifts this month and every day of the year with very little effort and no cost. Like the smile that…

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Personal, Tangible Greetings: Why and When to Send Them

When is the last time you sent a card or note to a business associate? If it’s that long, read on for a nudge and some inspiration. The Case for Tangible Messages Thousands of unread messages fill my email inbox,…

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An Awkward Request Phrased Beautifully

Scenario: Imagine that you run a classy beachside hotel. Many of the hotel rooms have balconies that face the beach. Everyone walking from the beach toward the hotel can see the balconies. When guests hang wet bathing suits, towels, and…

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An Awkward Request Phrased Beautifully

Scenario: Imagine that you run a classy beachside hotel. Many of the hotel rooms have balconies that face the beach. Everyone walking from the beach toward the hotel can see the balconies. When guests hang wet bathing suits, towels, and…

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Do You Give Readers the “Why” They Need?

The other night I was traveling from Boston to my home, Seattle. When I arrived at my connection city, Denver, at 7:15 p.m. I received this text message: Your Flight ___ on August 6 from DEN now departs at 11:55…

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Do You Give Readers the “Why” They Need?

The other night I was traveling from Boston to my home, Seattle. When I arrived at my connection city, Denver, at 7:15 p.m. I received this text message: Your Flight ___ on August 6 from DEN now departs at 11:55…

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How to Write Mighty Thank-Yous

In my survey on business writing and relationships of 686 adults, 81 percent of respondents said that a thank-you note they received had a definite positive influence on their decision to do business with a company or an individual again….

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Do Graduates, Brides, and Grooms Write Thank-Yous?

It’s the season of graduations and weddings, wonderful opportunities to celebrate graduates’ accomplishments and individuals’ commitments to one another. If you are a recent or soon-to-be bride, groom, or graduate, congratulations! Life is just beginning for you in many ways….

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10 Etiquette Tips for Business Text Messages

Texting customers, colleagues, clients, and others is mainstream business behavior. But with regular use, there can be abuse. Don’t text just because you can. Text because people want or need to hear from you, and make the messages convenient for…

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Be Nice and Make Less Work for Your Reader

The other day at my health club I asked an employee what time the bank parking lot was available for club members’ use. I knew I could use the bank lot when the bank closed, but I wasn’t sure what…

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