Business Communication Instruction shares the latest news, tips, techniques, and methods being used by instructors today to make their classes more rewarding and enjoyable.

Intelligent Communication Technology: Finding Meaning in Text Mining

You’ve probably experienced both these frustrations with search engines: You’re not quite sure which terms to use, so you poke around hoping you’ll find something relevant, or you get lots of irrelevant results that happen to include your search terms but have nothing to do with what you are looking for."

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Augmented Writing, Cognitive Automation, Text Mining, and Augmented Ability Apps

Augmented writing, cognitive automation, text mining, augmented ability apps–capabilities that were once the stuff of science fiction are becoming everyday business tools. Get your students ready for with Excellence in Business Communication, 13th Edition.

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Your Students Don’t Need to Wait to Graduate to Apply Their New Communication Skills

Your students don’t need to wait until graduation to start applying their new communication skills. With Excellence in Business Communication’s unique Apply Your Skills Now feature, they’ll learn how to use their new skills in a variety of academic and personal scenarios.

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17 Proofreading Techniques for Business Communication

Finally. Your document is just about complete. It’s been written, reviewed, compiled and re-reviewed. With the final edits in place, it’s now ready to be proofread. This article covers our favorite 17 proofreading techniques to help you eliminate mistakes.

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The Only Text That Covers Intelligent Communication Technology

Excellence in Business Communication, 13th Edition (Pearson)

Thill and Bovee’s Excellence in Business Communication, 13th Edition, (published by Pearson) is now available for your examination. In it you’ll find
* more value than ever with new student-focused features, and
* double the coverage of interpersonal communication.
The Only Text That Covers Intelligent Communication Technology
A new, four-page magazine-style feature, "Empowering Communicators with Intelligent Communication Technology," shows 15 applications of artificial intelligence and smart technology. Highlight boxes take a close look at these innovations:
* Taskbots and virtual teammates
* Real-time voice translation
* Automated storytelling
* Augmented writing tools
* Chatbots
* Text mining
* Resume bots
* AI-assisted recruiting and interviewing
* Blind auditions
See how this book’s topic coverage compares to the competition.


See how this book’s features compare to the competition.

To order an examination copy, send an email to List your full name and the college at which you teach.

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25 Business Buzzwords That Irritate Colleagues

"We’ve all used business buzzwords. Many of them are so common that they may have even become part of our daily vocabulary. But what are they actually communicating? The problem with buzzwords is that most are overused, cliched, and unclear.


These words have been used (often misused) so much that they have either lost their meaning or become go-to substitutes when a company or employee has nothing of substance to say."

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Top 20 Artificial Intelligence Books and Whitepapers to Read

Artificial Intelligence technology is rapidly developing. Content on the subject keeps increasing. Here are the top 20 books and whitepapers on artificial intelligence."

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Why the Future of Social Media Will Depend on Artificial Intelligence

Social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn must use AI (Artificial Intelligence) to make sense of the sea of human data coming at them. So, you can say, future of social media really depends upon AI.

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How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Writing

"Over the last decade or so, though, AI (Artificial Intelligence) has become increasingly sophisticated … and it’s influencing the world of writing in a number of interesting ways."

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19 Artificial Intelligence Technologies That Will Dominate In This Year

Discover the main artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that you should be learning about in 2018.

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