Business Communication Instruction shares the latest news, tips, techniques, and methods being used by instructors today to make their classes more rewarding and enjoyable.

The Next Wave of Innovation in Business Communication

The last few decades have been marked by waves of technology-driven innovation in business communication, starting with digital’s disruption of print communication, then social media giving a voice to everyone in the marketplace, followed by the way mobile is freeing communicators from their desks.

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The Next Wave of Innovation in Business Communication

The last few decades have been marked by waves of technology-driven innovation in business communication, starting with digital’s disruption of print communication, then social media giving a voice to everyone in the marketplace, followed by the way mobile is freeing communicators from their desks.

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25 Business Buzzwords That Irritate Your Colleagues [Infographic]

"We’ve all used business buzzwords. Many of them are so common that they may have even become part of our daily vocabulary. But what are they actually communicating?"

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Professor Uses Twitter, Slack, and Zoom to Reach Generation Z Students

Defined as those born after 1997, Generation Z is growing up in a world where smartphones, social media, and content-streaming are ubiquitous. And now that the oldest Gen Zers are attending college, they’re rewriting the playbook for higher education.

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Most Common Spelling Mistakes That Make You Look Less Intelligent

There isn’t a strong link between good spelling and intelligence, but that doesn’t mean spelling mistakes don’t matter. Proper spelling makes people perceive you as more intelligent and can increase your chances of getting a job.

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35 Confusing Things About The English Language

Non-native English speakers share what stumps them … and makes them laugh.

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Your Students Learn by Doing, Not by Listening

Yet another example of why we should all be lecturing less and using active-learning strategies more in the college classroom.

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127 Top Business Jargon Examples [And How to Fix Them]

Skilled business writing rejects jargon. Yet, industry-specific phrases and buzzwords are very commonly used. Even the best writers can fall into the jargon trap if they’re not careful.

Fortunately, by using the right perspective, you can be revise jargon out of your text or avoid it in the first place.

This article will highlight the perspective that is needed to easily identify confusing jargon. To start you off on your jargon hunt, we’ve also prepared our list of the top 127 jargon and gobbledygook examples in business writing.

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How Artificial Intelligence Enhances Personalized Communication

I remember when I first heard the phrase “Artificial Intelligence” and how distant I was from giving it true meaning. At the time, the digital world was growing at a relatively slow pace, and I didn’t think that the online world was advanced enough to give Artificial Intelligence the time it deserved."

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50 Americanisms That Don’t Make Sense To Foreigners

“Pocketbook! How on earth is a handbag called that? It’s not a book, nor does it fit into a pocket.”

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