Business Communication Instruction shares the latest news, tips, techniques, and methods being used by instructors today to make their classes more rewarding and enjoyable.

17 Wild Job Titles Companies Are Using to Attract Millennials

"We looked at job postings around the country at companies big and small to find the zestiest job titles. Here are the 17 most unusual openings, and what each role actually does."

Image credit – Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

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Take Time to Think Inside the Box

My daughter enjoyed an attraction called Enchant Christmas, which is currently in Seattle. I thought I’d like to go too, so I checked out the website on my phone. I was surprised that Enchant was also being offered in Arlington,…

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Head for the Door If You Spot These Red Flags During a Job Interview

"Ever get an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach during a job interview? Ever see two interviewers swivel their heads toward one another, lock eyes and pause before answering your question?"

"If you're the kind of person who wants to know the other side of the story, here's a way to interpret some interview clues that could foretell a dismal future job experience.

"For starters, check out . . ."

Read the full article by Jill Cornfield (photo, left) at CNBC....

Three Quests for Errors

Are you feeling smart and alert today? Test yourself in the three short passages below. Each “Error Quest” has just one error. Find and correct it. Error Quest 1: Since you asked, this is RoAnn’s and my suggestion: We believe…

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5 Words That Don’t Mean What They Used to Mean

Linguist John McWhorter "traces the evolution of five words that have spent millennia drifting from one meaning into another."

Read the full article . . .

Are You Envious–or Jealous?

Envious? Jealous? Do you use these words interchangeably? Or do you make a distinction between them? Test your understanding by filling in these blanks: I am _______________ of my neighbors’ gorgeous backyard. Rob feels _______________ when he sees Carlos talking…

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Write for David Allen’s 2-Minute Rule

"Allen's books are bestsellers. People pay attention to him, and we writers should too. If your reader cannot handle your message or document easily within two minutes, it is going to be put somewhere "as an option for work to do later." Or ignored. Or deleted."

Read the full article by Lynn Gaertner Johnston . . .

25 Business Buzzwords That Irritate Colleagues

"We’ve all used business buzzwords. Many of them are so common that they may have even become part of our daily vocabulary. But what are they actually communicating? The problem with buzzwords is that most are overused, cliched, and unclear.


These words have been used (often misused) so much that they have either lost their meaning or become go-to substitutes when a company or employee has nothing of substance to say."

Sourced through from:

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An Unimpressive Message From My Dentist

I want the best in dentistry–not business writing–from my dentist. But I’m still disappointed when I receive a pointless, error-filled email like the one below. In it, I have changed the name of the dental practice to “Your Favorite Dentist.”…

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The Explainer: How to Negotiate Nicely Without Being a Pushover

"Don't avoid confrontation."

Watch the video at . . .
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