Business Communication Instruction shares the latest news, tips, techniques, and methods being used by instructors today to make their classes more rewarding and enjoyable.

How to Edit, Fix, and Polish

"Imagine this scenario: Your supervisor emails you with a message that says “Please edit the attachment." Or perhaps the instruction is "Fix the attached" or 'Please give this piece some polish.'"

"What does it mean to edit, fix, or polish a business message? How do you do it? Sometimes correcting quirky punctuation, typos, misspellings, and nonstandard grammar is a challenge in itself. But what should you do beyond that?"

Read the full article by Lynn Gaertner-Johnston (photo, left) ...

I Should Have Known Better

As a business writing expert, I should have known that I’d get the wrong response. I had written the email in a way that was easy for me but misleading for my reader, a woman named Lea. Requesting a tour…

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I Should Have Known Better

As a business writing expert, I should have known that I’d get the wrong response. I had written the email in a way that was easy for me but misleading for my reader, a woman named Lea. Requesting a tour…

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How to Ask for Help Over Email—and Actually Get It

"With email dominating your conversations in all aspects of your life—especially your professional life—you’re going to be sending lots of requests every day. From asking someone in accounting to run a report for you to pleading with someone else in graphic design to help you format a proposal, you probably send a lot of emails asking for favors."

"But when your request isn’t in person, it becomes all too easy for the recipient to ignore your message until it disappears into inbox oblivion—or, worse, delete it completely.

"So when you need a favor, how do you write an email that will get a response? The short answer is: carefully. Here are a few pointers to help you craft a message that will actually get your reader’s attention—and the response you need."

Read the full article by Caris Thetford (photo, left) at TheMu...

What is holding communicators back? Take this quiz to find out!

Communicators, pencils ready! You have three minutes to complete the following multiple-choice question. Good luck! Why do most corporate communicators fail to reach the status of Strategic Counselor in their organizations, and instead fall into the “Communication Order Taker” role: a.  Never-ending deadlines that suck your time away and leave you no time to be either strategic, or creative…


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I’ve got all this data, now what?

The good news about being a communicator is that there are so many ways to collect all kinds of data these days. The bad news … if you collect it, you’ve got to do something with it. Often times, we end up with that sinking feeling and we say to ourselves, “What did I just do?!” It can be overwhelming to say the least. Collecting numbers is not good enough. If we can’t do anything with them…


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An Awkward Request Phrased Beautifully

Scenario: Imagine that you run a classy beachside hotel. Many of the hotel rooms have balconies that face the beach. Everyone walking from the beach toward the hotel can see the balconies. When guests hang wet bathing suits, towels, and…

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An Awkward Request Phrased Beautifully

Scenario: Imagine that you run a classy beachside hotel. Many of the hotel rooms have balconies that face the beach. Everyone walking from the beach toward the hotel can see the balconies. When guests hang wet bathing suits, towels, and…

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Do You Give Readers the “Why” They Need?

The other night I was traveling from Boston to my home, Seattle. When I arrived at my connection city, Denver, at 7:15 p.m. I received this text message: Your Flight ___ on August 6 from DEN now departs at 11:55…

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Do You Give Readers the “Why” They Need?

The other night I was traveling from Boston to my home, Seattle. When I arrived at my connection city, Denver, at 7:15 p.m. I received this text message: Your Flight ___ on August 6 from DEN now departs at 11:55…

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