Business Communication Instruction shares the latest news, tips, techniques, and methods being used by instructors today to make their classes more rewarding and enjoyable.

6 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Impact the Future Workplace

The use of AI has barely begun and it has the potential to unleash transformations in how we work. Here are six ways it will be felt in the future workplace.

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Beautiful, Bougie and All the Other Words Americans Still Can’t Spell, State by State

For example, why are people from so many states searching “'How to spell beautiful”? It’s been a common top word in the past three years. In 2019, a “beautiful” belt runs from Virginia through the Carolinas and Georgia into Florida.

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Want to Sound More Native? Do This! Common Contractions in English Part 1: IS ARE AM

"If you really want to sound more natural and native in your spoken English you have to use contractions. I know it can seem counterintuitive, but contractions are essential in mastering the rhythm and flow of spoken English. In this lesson, part 1 in a 3-part series, we will practice contracting IS, ARE and AM. Stay tuned for the next 2 lessons in this series helping you to become aware of, and practice, the MOST common contractions in English."

Watch the video by Keenyn Rhodes . . .

Free to Focus: An Interview with Michael Hyatt

"In this conversation between Michael Hyatt [photo, left] and Get-It-Done Guy, Stever Robbins, Michael offers a wide range of tools to make you more productive, more relaxed, and help you achieve the highest of all goals: freedom."

Read the full article . . .

The Only Text That Covers Intelligent Communication Technology

Excellence in Business Communication, 13th Edition (Pearson)

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Banished Words List

The wordsmiths at Lake Superior State University have released LSSU's 44th annual List of Words Banished from the Queen's English for Mis-use, Over-use and General Uselessness.

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10 TED Talks on AI and Machine Learning

How will AI reshape your career? Your health? Your ability to tell real from fake video? Recent TED talks explore some fascinating AI questions.

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Simon Sinek – Most Leaders Don’t Even Know the Game They Are In

"Trust and cooperation are not standard in our organizations and yet we know they should be. There are two attributes that every single leader has the opportunity to possess that will help them create the types of organizations we would be proud to call our own. Those two attributes are EMPATHY & PERSPECTIVE."

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Naval Ravikant: The Angel Philosopher on Investing, Making Decisions, Happiness and the Meaning of Life

"Naval Ravikant (@naval) is the CEO and co-founder of AngelList. He’s invested in more than 100 companies, including Uber, Twitter, Yammer, and many others."

"It’s difficult to nail down exactly what we discuss in our conversation because I had so many questions to ask him. Naval is an incredibly deep thinker who challenges the status quo on so many things. This is an interview you’ll want to listen to, think a bit, and then listen to again."

Listen to the podcast, or download the transcript, at Farnham Street . . .

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We Added New Words to the Dictionary in April 2019

"More than 640 new words, from 'bioabsorbable' to 'bottle episode.'"

Read the full article . . .
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