Business Communication Instruction shares the latest news, tips, techniques, and methods being used by instructors today to make their classes more rewarding and enjoyable.

33 Commonly Misunderstood Words & Phrases (Infographic)

People misunderstand words and phrases all the time. This may be because of poor hearing or comprehension. Speaking informally can also cause a person to misunderstand and misuse words. This infographic will throw some light on how to avoid 33 of the most commonly misused words and expressions.

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17 Pretentious Words & What to Use Instead (Infographic)

Unlike fancy clothes, pretentious talk is likely to alienate people, not earn their admiration. This infographic tells you what not to say if you want to make a good impression. What words and phrases do you dread hearing?

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These 11 Online Business Communication Magazines Can Make Your Teaching Easier and More Effective

Teaching a Modern Course in Business Communication is one of 11 online business communication magazines published by Bovee and Thill. Here's a complete list:

Business Communication 2.0: Social Media and Digital Communication
Teaching Interpersonal Communication in a Business Communication Course

Teaching Business Communication and Employment
Teaching Visual Communication in a Business Communication Course
Teaching Business Presentations in a Business Communication Course
Teaching Business Communication and Workplace Issues
Exclusive Teaching Resources for Business Communication Instructors
How the Mobile Revolution Is Changing Business Communication
Teaching Intelligent Technologies and Artificial Intelligence in a Business Communication Course
Bovee and Thill's Most Popular Business Communication Online Magazine Posts

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Encouraging Students to Apply Their Skills Now: Preparing for Difficult Conversations

No one welcomes the prospect of a difficult conversation, whether it’s with a professor, a parent, a spouse, a teammate, or anyone else. Remind students that while they may not be able to change the information that needs to be shared, they can take steps to make the conversation itself less upsetting—and to keep emotions from spiraling out of control.

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Encouraging Students to Apply Their Skills Now: Think Now, Write Later

When students get a new assignment, they can be tempted to either dive in immediately so they don’t get into a schedule crunch later or put it off until the last minute—when they will definitely be in a schedule crunch. Not surprisingly, the do-it-later approach isn’t always a successful way to work.

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10 Simple Ways for Your Students to Improve How They Communicate Online

"Online communication is critical to success in nearly every field in the 21st century. The landscape of communication has changed and we need to adapt accordingly. Here are 10 tips that will make your students a more effective communicator online."

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Intelligent Communication Technology: The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

As one of the most powerful technologies ever developed, artificial intelligence (AI) is already influencing human life in multiple ways and promises to do so even more in the future. AI is now used in a variety of business communication applications, from message testing to employee recruiting and evaluation. Although many of these developments are …

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Intelligent Communication Technology: Social Listening Tools

Every day on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms, millions of consumers and business customers rant, rave, brainstorm, offer help, and ask for help.


Smart companies recognize that this global chatter is a gold mine of valuable insights, and they use social listening tools to figure out what people are saying about them and their competitors.

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One-of-a-Kind Business Communication Pictorial Gallery Consisting of More Than 1,530 Images

Enjoy these images of articles, videos, infographics, and more on this pictorial gallery of business communication.

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This Map Shows How the U.S. Really Has 11 Separate “Nations” with Entirely Different Cultures

"America may be divided into 50 states, but many areas are culturally similar. 


"In his book, "American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures in North America," award-winning author Colin Woodard identifies 11 distinct cultures that have historically divided the U.S."

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